Having as context what I have lived in the last months taking as a guide the master, I want to achieve what I was thinking at the beginning of the master and that was underestimated due to the lack of community context. Which was a LAB-GAB of E X T R A :: SENSORIAL EXPERIENCES, because I think it covers all the subjects I´m interest in so far.
Designing a series of experimental experiences with an extended variety in the proposed open a posibilities of interactions in several communities. In relation to nature, waste, spiritual, ancestral, emotions, and the interaction with humans / non-humans, among others.
In this context, my first approach to this laboratory is this project associated with spiritual purpose that have been strongly influenced by the holistic community.
The closeness with the members of the holistic house with which I have been experimenting through these months, makes me feel part of the movement that they have been creating here in Gracia, Barcelona. We have been interconnecting activities with spiritual pursposes using our gifts to know eachother, and inviting people to share with us in many of this activities.
What is coming next is the creation of Magical Spots (name yet to be defined) with a collaboration of all the people who want to join and it is the context of channeled trees, auras non-humans, and portals to free or not free. Share this google map with the ones who are interested in.
I am proposing as a closing stage some activities with them, as a community, here in Barcelona, to take them outside the house and inviting them more to the city, which is the context in which I feel most comfortable and like the most.
I am sharing my world, in a peruvian-chaman context, and they are teaching me how spiritual interfaces can be done here. And, somehow we are mixing and fusion knowledge in a current situation.
Understanding the contemporaneity of the city and its interconnection with the world with all the technologies that we have close by, including the ancestral and natural ones.
The fact of living in different cities, and that I am here in Barcelona temporarily, open many possibilities of expansion and replicability of many projects in collaboration with this holistic community.
In addition, whatever is on the running project can be remade, replicated, and adapted to different contexts. Because I think these subjects (spiritual / ancestral / panpsychism) and their applications are new and with much to explore. With more and more validation in academic contexts from the fields of philosophy and quantum physics.
In this especific project regarding the fruits and its knowledge for readings to encourage self-knowledge, I´m planning to recreated the experience in my country to expand the interaction of the community.
The project will increase the collective agency with more possibilities of being visible through social media and perhaps being exhibited in other spaces in a design / art context.
I will continue experimenting with this community and others related to spirituality. However, as I was saying before, it is not the only field I love to work in. However, I see myself developing experiences with spiritual apporaches in an design / art context.
I´m very interested in analyzing what people with no spiritual openings (meaning the ones that are not looking for spiritual experiences) have to say regarding the interface created and the future projects to come. What and how they express it's a catalyzer for continuously updating the experiences created.
I am still looking for the ideal way to document, since, several times I´m part of the dynamics of the experience and because of that sometimes I don't document properly.