Did you develop your own experience with(in) the network of actors in which and for which you are developing your project? To what extent and to which actors (human / non.human) do you feel responsible?

I´m tried to expand my practices of collecting waste with my roommates, they didn´t agree at the beggining, but after few days I just install the container and they are ok with that. Because of the first reaction, I´m planning to generate small containers to collect waste and select the easy material to collect like eggshells, seeds, coffee, mandarina peels, corks and wrappers; they are small, smell good, and don´t require much effort to clean it.

I feel the responsibility of what to do with the collected once I have them, and also, be scheduled with pick-ups and transactions. . I have to find them a project to go, or a new object to be,

Have you thought about expanding your community and from there your own experience? Where do you set the boundaries of your experiential community?

Yes, with Julia and Phippa we want to generate a community website to contribute to the waste circularity. We have realized, by our own experience, that to do a sample we require a certain amount of waste that we can handle, but when you want to generate an object it is necessary much more quantity, and sometimes the process to collect or dry them (in the case of organics) require more time and effort.

What do I know and not know about my own project? What assumptions, interests, values underpin my project an to what extent have I reflected on them?

We have been learning about biomaterials in the past weeks, and undertaning what we have to do if we want to elaborate a project, where to find it, sizes we require, and the most difficult for me was the dry one, because if you don´t have a deshidratator, probably you will need more time to develop. Or, your organic waste might get infected. So, it is important to act properly to have effective results.

And with the non organic materials happen that they demand much more space to be collected. Then, the collection will depend on the space you have for this.

What I am assuming is that some people will change their habits because of the planet new requirements to be safe. And eventually, these collections increase their types and sizes. And all of the experience became a trend.

Am I committed enough to my project and the community with(in) and for which I am co-developing it?

There´s no much time because of the master.... but because I´m living the experience dayli new reactions and links to the smells are emerging.

In what sense am I corresponding to an interest, a need or an expectation of the socio-technical system or community in which I feel involved?

It seems to me, that everytime we are more people interest in collecting, questioning regarding how to be responsable with our waste, and so on. Others don´t know but don't reject the opportunity to be part of the movement. And, of course, there are plenty of people that don´t care, but it is ok.

What I notice looking closely at the movement here is the lack of raw material to experiment with as an easy way due to the non-mechanism existing. So, I see and chance to help the community, and me to develop what I have on mind.

To what extend do I welcome and promote diversity and could adapt my project if new needs or demands arise? (How adaptable can my project be to possible changes?)

The project has two functions, one is to collect, that could be do at home by everyone who wants; and the other funcition is to mantein inform the community, via website that allow users to communicate eachother and findthemself projects and share information. Probably, it will demand changes, but the only way to know it is to test it and watch how the community necessities emerge.

Could my project be applied in the other contexts / by other actors? What could be the future consequences?

Defenitely, because waste are everywhere, and also people interest in this subject.

What futures am I promoting and who might benefactor be disadvantaged? (how desirable are the futures I am promoting with my project, and for whom)

The nearly future might be a collective storage in which designers of producers can be benefactors of the raw materials and collectors as well, and collectors might exchange their collects to items by the first group.
