Collecting waste is part of one of my interventions for Design Studio, I have been doing it at home, and with my partners decide to aboard it because they were collecting them for their own personal researches.
In the past weeks I had been taking biomaterials classes and talking to the professors and to some students, not just from MDEF, about the storage situations of people involved in this subject, and there is none. Because of that, I decide to contribute to the biomaterial community generating a storage system, in which we can be in contact and help eachother knowing who has what biomaterial, where and how much.
My contribution with the project, apart from the ideas explained in the upper item, was to draw the labels for the jars, cut them in vinyl. Bringing some jars. And, generating the repository and HTML. Inviting the Compost group to do a crossover of projects.
I can say that now I know who to cut in both machines, but I guess that if I don´t cut again soon I will forget. HTML is complex and I require to watch more tutorials, but I feel happy to use it, because before this term I had no idea I could understand it.
I think the most challenging situation will be the manteinance of the project or storage, and actually activate the website to the community.